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Motif search help page

This page provides the overview of the Motif search service on GenomeNet. Each link shows the detailed description for the service as well as useful information such as reference to the original web site of the database supported on our server.

1. Search with a protein query sequence against Motif Libraries
2. Align a protein sequnce with a profile library given by a user. (PROSITE or HMMER format)
3. Search with a profile against protein sequence databases
4. Search a protein sequence pattern (regular expression) against sequence databases
5. Generate a profile from a set of multiple aligned sequences

1. Search with a protein query sequence against Motif Libraries
The following databases are supported.

Sigrist CJA, de Castro E, Cerutti L, Cuche BA, Hulo N, Bridge A, Bougueleret L, Xenarios I.
New and continuing developments at PROSITE
Nucl. Acids Res. 41:D344-D347, 2013.
PubMed: 23161676


Marchler-Bauer A, Zheng C, Chitsaz F, Derbyshire MK, Geer LY, Geer RC, Gonzales NR, Gwadz M, Hurwitz DI, Lanczycki CJ, Lu F, Lu S, Marchler GH, Song JS, Thanki N, Yamashita RA, Zhang D, Bryant SH.
CDD: conserved domains and protein three-dimensional structure
Nucl. Acids Res. 41:D348-D352, 2013.
PubMed: 23197659


Finn RD, Bateman A, Clements J, Coggill P, Eberhardt RY, Eddy SR, Heger A, Hetherington K, Holm L, Mistry J, Sonnhammer EL, Tate J, Punta M.
Pfam: the protein families database
Nucl. Acids Res. 42:D222-D230, 2014.
PubMed: 24288371

as well as

User defined profile library
(may contain multiple profile data)

This server not only finds out sequence motifs in your query sequence, but also provides functional and genomic information of the found motifs using DBGET and LinkDB as the hyperlinked annotations. The results will also be presented graphically when the hits are found in PROSITE database.
Click each Motif library database name colomun to see detailed explanation.

Motif Library Search
Developer Search Algorithm
PROSITE PATTERN Motiffind ICR, Kyoto Univ.
PROSITE PROFILE Profilefind ICR, Kyoto Univ. Dynamic Programing method
NCBI-CDD RPS-BLAST National Center for Biotechnology Information Reverse Position Specific BLAST
Pfam Hmmscan
Howard Hughes Medical Institute Profile Hidden Markov Model

2. Align a protein sequnce with a profile given by the users.

Given a profile generated from the multiple sequence alignment, or, retrieved from motif library such as PROSITE or Pfam, you can align a protein sequence with the profile.
The procedure is similar to the one to search against the motif library database, however, you should provide a name of the file containing profile matrix instead of the database names.
Profile Format Search Engines Search Algorithm
PROSITE Profilefind Dynamic Programing method
Pfam-hmmer Hmmscan Profile Hidden Markov Model

3. Search with a profile against protein sequence databases

Given a profile, protein sequence databases on GenomeNet service are retrieved to find out the protein families that have the same motif. The profile, either in PROSITE or Pfam format, could be calculated in our service from the multiple sequence alignment or retrieved from motif library such as PROSITE or Pfam. The Pfsearch program is used to retrieve with PROSITE format profile and Hmmsearch is used for Pfam format one. Target sequence libraries are Swiss-Prot, RefSeq, PDBSTR, GENES, MGENES, and VGENES.

4. Search a protein sequence pattern (regular expression) against sequence databases

This allows you to search protein sequence libraries with your patterns. Target sequence libraries are Swiss-Prot, RefSeq PDBSTR, GENES, MGENES, and VGENES. Sequence pattern must be specified in the PROSITE pattern format, namely; For example, C-x-{C}-[DN]-x(2)-C-x(5)-C-C.

5. Generate a profile from a set of multiple aligned sequences

Two type of profile data, either in PROSITE or Pfam format, are calculated from the multiple alignment sequences. using PFMake or HMMBuild, respectively.

You can align your (new) sequence against this generated profile continuously, or save the obtained profile on your local computer to use to search against sequence databases. Additional explanations are shown.

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